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Getting Started

Installing the Adviser Toolkit

Get the code and follow the install instructions.

Testing Your Installation

  1. Open a terminal
  2. Activate your virtual environment for Adviser (as created in the install instructions)
  3. Navigate to the adviser folder containing the file
  4. Execute python mensa
    • This will start a new dialog with a domain about the food plan of the University of Stuttgart's dining hall
    • Try chatting with the system e.g. type something like
      • What's the vegetarian main dish today
    • In case you encounter any errors, try to make sure your setup is correct. If the problem persists, feel free to write an email to support, providing the full stack trace and, if possible, the dialog turn history.

Creating and Running Your Own Dialog System

To setup your own text-based dialog system (in this example, for a domain about lecturer information from the IMS Institute at the Unviersity of Stuttgart), it's as simple as creating a new file in the 'adviser' folder (where the file is located), naming it e.g., and adding the following content:

import sys
import os
from typing import List

from utils.domain.jsonlookupdomain import JSONLookupDomain
from services.service import Service, PublishSubscribe, DialogSystem
from services.domain_tracker import DomainTracker
from services.nlu.nlu import HandcraftedNLU
from services.nlg.nlg import HandcraftedNLG
from services.bst import HandcraftedBST
from services.policy import HandcraftedPolicy
from services.hci import ConsoleInput, ConsoleOutput
from utils.logger import DiasysLogger, LogLevel

# create modules
lecturers_domain = JSONLookupDomain('ImsLecturers')
nlu = HandcraftedNLU(domain=lecturers_domain)
bst = HandcraftedBST(domain=lecturers_domain)
policy = HandcraftedPolicy(domain=lecturers_domain)
nlg = HandcraftedNLG(domain=lecturers_domain)
d_tracker = DomainTracker(domains=[lecturers_domain])

# Input modules (just allow access to terminal for text based dialog)
user_in = ConsoleInput(domain="")
user_out = ConsoleOutput(domain="")

logger = DiasysLogger(console_log_lvl=LogLevel.DIALOGS)
ds = DialogSystem(services=[d_tracker, user_in, user_out, nlu, bst, policy, nlg], debug_logger=logger)

error_free = ds.is_error_free_messaging_pipeline()
if not error_free:


# start dialog
for _ in range(1):
    ds.run_dialog({'gen_user_utterance': ""})

To run this code, execute python You can try e.g. utterances like I want information about a Digital Phonetics lecturer and continue the dialog from there.